Portable Yahoo Messenger

Oct 1, 2008

Use Yahoo! Messenger to call and talk over the Internet just like you’re on the phone. All you need is a headset, or a microphone and speakers. It’s that easy - just click the Call button. If no one’s there, leave a voicemail!You can also get much better sound quality than regular phone lines. Try it out - you and your friends will really hear a difference.Find, add, share friends… It’s easier than ever to add and invite friends to Messenger. You can even send your contact information to a friend’s Address Book



Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV.
Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even
share with
devices around your home—all from one place.

And no need to install


WinZip Pro v12 0 8252 Incl Keygen-ViRiLiTY

Sep 30, 2008

WinZip is an extremely popular compression tool for Windows. ViRiLiTY have provided a keygen for this release which allows you to choose a standard or pro license


With the new WinZip 12, you can quickly and securely zip and unzip files to conserve storage space, speed up e-mail transmission, and reduce download times. State-of-the-art file compression, strong AES encryption, compatibility with more compression formats, and new intuitive photo compression, make WinZip 12 the complete compression and archiving solution.


Release Name: WinZip.Pro.v12.0.8252.Incl.Keygen-ViRiLiTY
Size: 14.0 MB (05 x 2.88mb)

To DOwnload


Code: Select All

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